2024 SGADC
hosted by the Singapore Fine Arts Research Association / Singapore Fine Arts Development Association
Review of past
— 2023 SGADC —
presentation ceremony
The 2023 SGADC Awards Ceremony took place in October 2023 at the Second Concert Hall of the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM). A total of 30 award-winning participants were invited, alongside six industry experts and three professors who shared insights into their artistic creations. The event saw an attendance of 266 students and faculty members, making it a significant gathering for the celebration of artistic achievements and industry-academic collaboration.
In addition to the awards presentation, the ceremony featured engaging talks and presentations by the invited experts and professors. They discussed various aspects of the creative process, offering valuable knowledge and inspiration to the audience. This event not only honored the accomplishments of the award recipients but also provided a platform for networking and learning within the artistic community.
— 2021 SGADC —
presentation ceremony
Due to COVID-19, this event only held an awards ceremony and no works exhibition.
The awards ceremony will be held at the Sands Art Museum on December 3, 2021
— 2020 SGADC —
Presentation Ceremony, Design Sharing, Excellent Works Exhibition
As the first event of the competition, an award ceremony was held at the Sands Museum of Art, Singapore, Briefing Hall 3 after the event. 5 senior designers were invited as design sharing teachers, and 36 winners were invited to participate in the award ceremony.
After the ceremony, an exhibition of outstanding works was held, with a total of 112 works on display.